Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Where has all the climbing gone?

My sincerest apologies for having not published in over a week! The trouble has been that it is incredibly hard to write a climbing blog when you haven't actually been climbing! Instead, a series of wild and raving parties has pushed this dear soul to its uppermost limits of climbing apathy. I exaggerate, but only by a little. 

What I have done over this past week when I got the opportunity was to train! Train train train. Boulders recently opened the training section of its wall and needless to say I have been trying to exploit it to its fullest potential. The primary focus of this training onslaught has been the fabled campus board which I still cannot get to the top in one go despite the vast improvements I have made to my upper-body strength in the past few months! However this failure doesn't really seem to matter  too much as the past few session have caused the deepest aches all across my shoulders and core on the next day; a sign it must be working! 

Unfortunately this is all I have done this week climbing-wise. Every day I look out my window its raining, about to rain, already just rained and even snowing! I never realized until I became a climber how wet this pissing little island really is! 

Bring on the Sunshine! Please!

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