Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Little Gap Concluded!

This last visit to the Little Gap has seen all the obvious lines sent. This last visit saw four final problems sent, two by Olly and two by myself:

Olly's problems were:

Moist Marxism - V0+,  The obvious standing arete at the end of the quarried section of the crag. The top out is always wet, finish at your peril. F.A Olly Birrell 24/02/2008

Pikey President - V0, The arete at the far left of the natural buttress. A project stolen from one university president by another. F.A Olly Birrell  24/02/2008

Jamie sent:

Thorny Autonomy - V1, The left hand crack next to Plunder Economy. It is impossible to describe the top out.  F.A Jamie Maddison 24/01/2008

Imperfect God -V3 The second hardest line on the natural buttress. Take the face dead centre, launching out right to a small finger pocket high up and then another dynamic move to a jug at the top. Another Fontainebleau topout. 

A full PDF file for the crag will be available soon, as will a UKC crag page. Keep checking this space for updates!

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